Where we hope to get lost next:

  • Where we hope to get lost next:
  • April 2024: Africa - Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe

Monday 29 June 2015

Day 44 - Dublin- 29 June

Dublin for the day. Bought Ronnie a jumper because we are pretty sure that if we both sit on his suitcase together we will be able to squish it enough to fit it in.

When we were here earlier we thought we'd save some things that would be easy to do in a day.

Strolled through St Stephens Green. 

Intrepid travellers that we are we caught the tram to the  Irish Museum of Modern Art. But, it is closed Mondays. Before trekking over to the Irish National museum, canny travellers that we are, we googled the opening days. Closed Monday unfortunately.