Where we hope to get lost next:

  • Where we hope to get lost next:
  • April 2024: Africa - Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Day 10 - Col de Plan Bois - June 6

Back to typical weather for this season in Annecy.
14*C max and cloudy.

We were taken up 1000m by bus then walked 459 and down about the same amount.
We were in thick mizzle at the start of the walk (much lighter than what we call drizzle in Australia) but this abated after 5 minutes to mist for the whole walk, Highlights were a rare lady's slipper orchid spotted along the way, many other alpine flowers including globe flowers along the path, some cows jangling their bells in the mist and we heard the call of a marmot..

Spectacular view, as promised.
 A marmot.
 A patch of snow.
A short break in the mist.
The finish.