Where we hope to get lost next:

  • Where we hope to get lost next:
  • April 2024: Africa - Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Day 19-Tofino-20 Jul

Early start - left Ucluelet at 6:30 to drive to Tofino for a bear watching tour with The Whale Centre. There were 11 of us in a small uncovered boat (luckily the weather was perfect) with an electric motor for quietly sneaking up on bears. We saw 9 bears one a cub with its mother but the cub was safely ensconced in a tree while its mother fed and the photos of it are of a small black blob as another bear watching tour in a big boat with a big motor came and scared them away. Even Ron's long lens has the cub a bit blurry. We saw a bear fight - all bluster - and were pretty happy with the day.

Drive back along the Pacific Rim national park and did the Schooners Cove Walk through forest that had been cut 100 years ago and some that was untouched. 

Then the South Beach walk. 

And a cute little inlet on the way back: 

Then the Bog walk which was very different vegetation even though it was so close to the beach and the South Beach walk. 

Returned to Ucluelet and Ron and Paul had a swim under the watchful eye of the resident pair of eagles and their hungry babies. 

Every restaurant we rang was either closed or booked out (peak holiday season here!) so we returned to Howlers.