Where we hope to get lost next:

  • Where we hope to get lost next:
  • April 2024: Africa - Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Day 18-To Ucluelet-19 Jul

Left Victoria at 9 and got to Naniamo about 12. Lovely views along the way and First Nation people totem poles. 

Stopped at Coombs to see the goats on the roof of the local farmers market! 

Stopped at little Qualicum falls for a walk around the falls and lunch. Very powerful water, tight canyons and huge trees over the river and falls meant it was a river we weren't interested in attempting to paddle or raft. 

Stopped at Cathedral Grove to see 800 year old Douglas fir. Other trees also looked similarly huge. 

Drove to Ucluelet along windy narrow roads with sections at 60 and 80 kmph. Scenic but slow going! Arrived at 5:00 just in time to check in at Terrace Beach Resort. 

Ucluelet and Tofino are beach resorts for Canadians in summer and storm watching in winter. The lead up to the townships are very dense forest along the road edges and the towns are low key really nice small scale shops and houses. Very well done and welcoming. 

We did the Wild Pacific Trail which starts at the hotel and did the lighthouse loop.  

Dinner at Howlers which was great.