Whale watching with Marv and Harv at Auku Bay, Juneau. Small boat with 12 passengers with Jeff and Laura. We saw two pods of hump back whales and a few "loners". Sunny in the morning and slightly overcast in the afternoon.
We stayed by one pod of 8 whales for a while and it was bubble net feeding over and over - about 6 times or more. It is a pretty rare phenomenon and if you do see it they do it once or twice. Jeff our captain was beside himself with how often they did it and how close they were to the boat. Mother M&H captain close by left the helm (engines off) to take photos. It's that rare! The whales came incredibly close to the boat while we were stationary.
Marv and Harv dropped us off at the Mendenhall Glacier and we walked in a spritely manner via the Nugget Falls Trail to the face of the Glacier (which took just less than an hour) and were picked up by the M&H people to take us back to the ship.
We also saw a bald eagle with two chicks in the nest and lots of red seals and on the way back over 42 (someone counted that many) bald eagles in the marsh lands waiting for salmon.