Etosha National Park
4x4 game drives morning & afternoon.
But we’ve seen and have photos of: giraffe, rhino, a pregnant lion, honey badger, jackel, wildebeest, springbok, oryx and zebra and a confirmed sighting of a Cape fox and lots of birds.
African Zebra crossing: ☺️
Plains Zebra and foal:
I saw this elephant from miles off in front of a belt of trees and everyone said no it’s not an elephant here at this time of year. But it was! We waited for ages for him to get to, then cross the road as he was heading for a waterhole. He was huge.
The elephant: Black Rhinoceros:
Black Rhinoseros up close and personal:
Black-backed jackal:
Ground squirrel:
Pregnant lion alone with 2 weeks to go.
Plains Zebra:
Black tailed hare that shouldn’t be in this area but was:
A very rare sighting of a honey badger:
Tawny eagle:
Stay: Okaukuejo Restcamp.