Where we hope to get lost next:

  • Where we hope to get lost next:
  • April 2024: Africa - Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Day 04 - Arthur's Pass

Day 2 Hamilton Hut- West Harper Hut. Including side trip to mirror tarn (lake)  6 and a half hours actual walking. 10 creek crossings including 3 full foot immersions. Swing bridge and wire bridge to negotiate 2 crossings.

Incredible beech forest with cushion of beech leaves beneath.  Rivers are wild and it is summer!  Can't imagine what they are like when the snow first melts. Lots of steep scree slopes to negotiate.

That's me with the Deuter pack cover!

 The orange triangle marks the trail. Sometimes it is like where's wally to find them.

The West Harper Hut was very cute.  The photo doesn't do it justice.  It started to rain as we arrived and it was lovely and warm in the hut after we built a warming fire. (I wanted to say roaring fire but beech just doesn't burn that way.) We camped in our tents as we were a bit worried by the evidence of rodents' previous visits but the hut was perfect to satisfy my pyromaniac tendencies and to eat dinner and to relax.  The extra (admittedly huge-thank you John) effort required to carry the 1kg of wine and scotch was very worthwhile (in my opinion) and much appreciated at the end of the day.