Where we hope to get lost next:

  • Where we hope to get lost next:
  • April 2024: Africa - Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe

Saturday, 31 December 2011

Day 6 - Arthur's Pass

Arthurs Pass "tramp" Cass to Cora Linn Road.

Day 4 of tramp: Lagoon saddle to Cora Lynn Road.

There was a section where recent wind had blown over a few beech trees which had blocked the path and we had to find our way back to the orange triangles again.  In the hut someone had written that in the fog this was an extremely tricky thing to do.  Luckily there was not much fog when we were there. Some of the trees which fell had the orange triangle on them!!

Just under 3 hours walking through fog and some mud. 30 crossings 2 total foot immersions including one mud immersion by all of us - poor Ronnie immersed hands, knees and feet in mud which you.can pay big bucks for in some places in New Zealand!

Total creek crossings 126
Total full foot immersions 38
We made it! Spectacular waterfalls and landscapes. Would be best to do it as New Zul-unders do it- in 2 days carrying tiny sleeping bag, freeze dried mashed potato, surprise peas and 4 muesli bars. Not with tents, changes of clothes, stoves & food for 4 days as we did.

Back to Christchurch to luxury dinner at Buddha Stix Thai and stayed at Ashleigh Court again for New Year's Eve!!!