Where we hope to get lost next:

  • Where we hope to get lost next:
  • April 2024: Africa - Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Day 30 - Athens

We went to the Parthenon at the same time as an Arab Sheik and his entourage including his secret service dressed in black suits in the 37 degree heat. Police escort, camera crew etc.  The Japanese tourists took more photos of him than of the Parthenon even though no one knew who he was.  The camera crew were taking photos of each other with the Parthenon in the background.  Surreal.

Ronnie was busy taking photos of various vegetation and flowers. He saw another person doing the same and identified them as a fellow botanist.  Then we saw her photographing oleanders and realised we were mistaken.

Japanese tourist blog: Saw Australians taking more photos of plants, leaves and flowers than the parthenon today.  Very strange.